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We are what we think.


All that we are

arises with our thoughts.

With our thoughts,

we make the world.



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Reader Comments (1)

I read this post shortly after waking up this morning. It was well timed. Last night I dreamed I was in a department store looking for a suit to buy. I was looking at the budget range, as I would in waking life.

When I woke up I thought about the dream and then started to consider that everything in that dream was mine. The budget suits were, so were the best suits and the whole store! When I investigated why I limited myself to the cheap suits so many feelings came up. To use a cliche, these are the ties that bind to samsara.

Ihope and believe those ties can be adjusted and a better destiny nurtured as in Liao Fan's Four Lessons; but I also chant daily in the hope that this will be the last time these ties bind me to this world.

So, thankyou for the journal entry, for me it was well timed!

best wishes,

November 1, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRichard

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