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Taking Refuge



Question: Why and when should someone take the Three Refuges?

Response: We take the refuges to formally dedicate ourselves to following the Buddhist path. We take refuge in the Three Jewels of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. When we do so, we are not taking refuge in someone or something outside of ourselves. The Three Jewels represent virtues that are already within each of us; thus, taking refuge in the Three Jewels is to return to the sanctuary of our own true nature, to our own in­nate virtues and goodness.

When we take refuge in the Buddha, we are leaving blind faith and delusion behind us as we seek to awaken and uncover the true nature within us. The Buddha was an ordinary man who attained su­preme enlightenment. He wisely understood the causes of pain and unhappiness, and compassion­ately showed us the path he had taken so that we too might break free from suffering.

Each of us has the same true nature as the Buddha. Each of us has the potential to look within and return to that true nature. The choice to do so is entirely up to us. To take refuge in the Buddha is to make a commitment to ourselves, to our inner Buddha-nature. That commitment says that we will do everything we can to awaken and to uncover the inner goodness, compassion, and wisdom that lie deep within us.

When we take ref­uge in the Dharma, we are returning from incorrect views to right views and cor­rect understanding. Our present lack of awareness and proper comprehension have obstructed us from seeing the reality of life and caused us to look at eve­rything in a dis­torted way, as if we were looking at things through that tiny blurred window. When our minds become pure and our misconceptions are replaced with right understanding, we will give rise to wisdom and be able to see every­thing clearly. Since sutras are records of the Buddha’s teachings and describe the truth of the universe, we can use the sutras as guidelines. If our thinking coincides with what is in the sutras, then our comprehension is correct.

Only when we clearly see the whole can our viewpoints and understand­ing be wise. The teach­ings of all Buddhas flow from their true natures. They teach us how to let go of benefiting solely our­selves, to attain purity of mind, to see life clearly, and to become enlightened. Upon hearing the teachings, we should be respectful and remind ourselves to cul­tivate right understanding and proper views.

When we take refuge in the Sangha, the commu­nity of those who practice the teachings, we are returning from pollution and dissension to pu­rity of mind and harmony. As we associate with those who practice understanding and loving-kindness, and who feel and practice as we do, we will begin to learn from them.

Currently, our minds, spir­its, and bodies are im­pure. The Buddha taught us that everything is a reflection of the mind. Everything therefore arises from the mind; in other words, from our thoughts and feelings. When our minds begin to clear, allow­ing us to see and understand why things happen, we will stop judging others and cease wanting them to meet our expectations. We will gradually find con­tentment with what we have. As we interact with others and handle situations more harmoniously, we will begin to be content with who we are.

Sincerely taking refuge in the Three Jewels will help us restore the perfect wisdom and virtues of our true nature so that we can attain clarity, free­dom, and genuine happiness.

It is best to take the Three Refuges with a monas­tic who you think will be a good mentor to you: someone whom you can learn from, seek assistance from, and be associated with. If, however, you have no access to a monk or a nun, you can take the ref­uges yourself as an alternative. When you take the refuges with a monk or nun, remember that he or she is simply passing on the vow to you and serving as a witness. You are not taking refuge in that indi­vidual.

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