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Releasing Animals

In the past in Asia, Buddhists often bought and released captured animals they found in local markets. This was obviously good because the animal would otherwise have been killed. Since the animal—often a fish or bird—was captured in the wild, it would be able to survive since it had gone back to its natural environment.

Today, many Buddhists still follow this tradition. But as with everything we do, we need to use wisdom in releasing animals.

  1. Buying animals, like fish, encourages those who caught the fish to catch even more. Thus, more animals are at risk of capture. Also, when the animals are released on a special date, those who catch them will catch even more in anticipation of increased demand.
  2. Those who release the animals must know they will be able to live in the wild. Domestically raised animals do not have the survival skills that wild animals do. Releasing domestic animals can endanger their lives.
  3. The animals need to be released in their natural environment. Introducing them into an environment that is unsuitable for them will endanger them as well as upset the natural balance of that environment.

Times change. A kind act wisely performed in one situation may turn out to be neither kind nor wise in another.

As Ven. Master Chin Kung has said on releasing animals, “We need to understand thoroughly the situation so in our attempts to be kind, we do not unintentionally cause harm instead.”


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Reader Comments (3)

Dear Venerable,

Regarding to this releasing animals, i have many question from outside friends. i m in Asia. So this tradition / activities still can see and also will join. i have some questions that always appear :
1. i heard from a friend , he said if we ever release fish ( should see what type of the fish ) then start that day we can not eat this kind of fish. Because not all of us is vegetarian. what do you think Venerable ?

2. And some people that do not agree with releasing animal will say , we release animals , then they catch this animal and sell to you again , so they think this activities is no meaning.

3. And they said we are not a vegetarian it's also no meaning we release animal because we still eat meat, seems like to act a drama only, show off. How do i respond this if such as question come to us ?

4. then if we see animals that is going to dying soon , example in restaurant, but i have no place to put them if i buy them , then i afraid i will also harm its. what should i do ? do i still insist to buy them ? or maybe just chant Amituofo for them? this is my problem that always appear...

Thanks Venerable , i need help.
September 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRita

Thank you for your questions. I would like to answer them as blog entries since they are periodically asked, and I think they form a good basis for a conversation on releasing animals.

September 5, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
Ven Wuling,

Thank you very much for this very important advice.

The most important thing we can do for animals is to reduce demand for products of animal exploitation. Without demand from consumers, there would be no profit incentive and animal use businesses would need to find another product if they wish to keep making money. We, as consumers, are the ones maintaining these industries of cruelty and death. We need to take responsibility for that and stop supporting them.

If we regard animals as sentient beings having moral value, there cannot be any moral justification in using them as things, or resources, in order to satisfy palate pleasure, involving torture and killing. No-one needs to consume *any* animal products for health. Indeed, we are much healthier without them. This means going vegan. A good online resource with practical information for anyone interested in going vegan:
May 7, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterLinda McKenzie

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