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Teaching Buddhism


A few days before I left Australia a few weeks ago, the new owners of Country Focus newspaper came by to show us the copy for an article they had written on the center. In response to something they said, Charles recounted an event that had happened some time ago.

At the stall they have in the monthly Nanango market, Charles and Celine always put out a table of Buddhist books for free distribution. One Saturday, a man walked up and began leafing through Heart of a Buddha, a small, non-threatening book with about 100 pages.

Charles invited the man to keep the book, but the man dismissively tossed it back on the table. In about ten minutes the man returned and handed Charles a copy of the New Testament. Charles thanked the man, saying he would read it when he had a chance. Looking at Charles, the man hesitated, then picked up a copy of Heart of a Buddha, put it in his pocket, and walked away.

Having previously seen Charles’ calm reactions and his patience, I can easily picture his smiling and unruffled reaction to the man’s dismissive book tossing and ensuing return. As I listened to Charles’ account, I could not help but wonder how I would have reacted. Might a trace of irritation at a perceived rudeness have arisen? Would I have as patiently thanked the man for his presentation of the Old Testament and been able to honestly say I would read it when I had a chance?

People often ask me how to teach others about Buddhism. I always respond that we need to emulate the teachings.

This account is a perfect example of skillfully teaching Buddhism to others through the practice of it.


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