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On Habitual Patterns

  • 956849-938343-thumbnail.jpgGood-natured, even-tempered people are more accommodating and can get along with others where ever they go. However, being “accommodating” does not suggest that we should comply with whatever others say. Rather, we should keep a clear head as to the nature of the situation and use our own judgment. When things contradict the Dharma, (instead of going along,) we should stick to our own principles.
  • Due to a lack of trials through hardships, those growing up under protective parents are most likely to become immature and weak in character. On the other hand those who have to fight for a living tend to be more courageous and capable. For example, the little monkeys held closely by their mothers might be smothered while those who live independently in the jungles survive well. This is also true in our practice: the best conditions for practice are adverse conditions. That’s why those who are most proficient in forbearance usually have experienced numerous circumstances that require their utmost tolerance. Therefore, adverse conditions should be regarded as challenging components aiding our practice.

~ Analects of Master Kuang-ch'in


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