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Like a Dream, Like a Bubble

956849-938299-thumbnail.jpgWhen we encounter our foes or unhappy situations, we can remind ourselves that as was said in the Diamond Sutra: “Whatever takes form is illusory” and “All compounded things are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, and a shadow.” If we realize this, our minds will quickly become calm. With our chanting of “Amituofo,” understanding that coming to this world is an excursion and we will be gone in a few days.

Whether the actions of others are good or bad does not relate directly to us, and we do not have to worry about it. If we have an affinity with someone, we can urge him or her to do good deeds. If we do not have an affinity, then we can try to set a good example. If the individual understands, it is his or her good fortune. If not, it is also okay.

We can try to use Buddhas and bodhisattvas as our examples for when they manifest in this world, their every thought, word, and action is to teach all beings. So they never stop lecturing or setting examples. But as they lecture and set examples for the sake of others, it is without any thought of self-interest. In everything they do, their minds remain pure. They are completely at ease.

If one has the slightest thought of self, trouble will follow. Why? Because one makes mistakes when one has a thought of self-interest. Only when one has no thought of self-interest and has truly let go of everything will one’s mind be liberated and one’s wisdom be uncovered.

~ Based on Ven. Master Chin Kung's 2003 lecture series on the Amitabha Sutra


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