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Life is Like a Soap Opera


Real life is very much like a soap opera in which everyone plays a role. We all have the experience of following the emotional swings of the characters of soap operas. However, we rarely sense that the ensuing sentiments of joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness are but distinctions made by our own minds.

It is much the same in real life. More often than not, we allow our distinctions of circumstances or judgments of people to take charge of our emotions without being conscious about it. Furthermore, it seems we always find it easier to emulate bad examples than good ones.

This is because our delusions accumulated through eons can easily overwhelm us. Hence, we are often swayed by circumstances befitting our sinister desires.

On the other hand, how often have we claimed that “to tolerate the intolerable and practice the impracticable” is the attainment of buddhas and bodhisattvas, thereby excusing ourselves for not following their examples but merely praising them with empty words?

~ Analects of Master Kuang-ch'in


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