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Heart and Mind Together

Few people are capable of wholehearted commitment, and that is why so few people experience a real transformation through their spiritual practice. It is a matter of giving up our own viewpoints, of letting go of opinions and preconceived ideas, and instead following the Buddha's guidelines. Although this sounds simple, in practice most people find it extremely difficult. Their ingrained viewpoints, based on deductions derived from cultural and social norms, are in the way.


We must also remember that heart and mind need to work together. If we understand something rationally but don't love it, there is no completeness for us, no fulfillment. If we love something but don't understand it, the same applies.

If we have a relationship with another person, and we love the person but don't understand him or her, the relationship is incomplete; if we understand the person but don't love him or her, it is equally unfulfilling. How much more so on our spiritual path. We have to understand the meaning of the teaching and also love it. In the beginning our understanding will only be partial, so our love has to be even greater.

~ Ayya Khema 


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Reader Comments (1)

Amituofo !
Dear Ven. Wuling,
This is what I am going through right now - heart and mind together yet its seperated ... Like relationship with another person , I love him but don't understand him while he understand me but don't love me .
I hope to have the wisdom to solve my problem , I am still partial ignorance .
Thanks for sharing , great motivation for me to move on .

Amituofo !
June 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShi Wuling

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