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On Work Ethics

  • Do whatever needs to be done, irrespective of whose responsibility it is. As long as you do it willingly, you will earn merits for yourself. Do not criticize others for not doing their jobs. Bad-mouthing will only create negative karma. Remember, you are working for no one else but yourself in order to eradicate your karmic obstructions.
  • In addition to perseverance, an attitude of non-attachment is also necessary to do a job well. Non-attachment does not mean indifference or carelessness, but rather you should do your best and not worry about the results. If your mind lingers on the task after it is done, it is a sign of attachment. Such attachment will obscure your wisdom, generate vexation, and even spoil your accomplishment.
  • “Don’t think too much” does not mean that you should not use your head and make plans when carrying out a task, but that you should not dwell on it once the job is done.

~ Analects of Master Kuang-ch'in


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