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Truly Mindful in Chanting


To be truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha
and give up attachments to the body,
the false mind, and worldly affairs
is great giving.

To be truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha
and not have any greed, anger, and ignorance
is truly upholding precepts.

To be truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha
and not be bothered by who is right or who is wrong
is great tolerance to insult.

To be truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha
and not be distracted by other thoughts
is great focus and diligence.

To be truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha
and not have wandering thoughts
is great dhyana.

To be truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha
and not be enticed by any temptation
is great prajna.

Try reflecting on the following: If I still have not given up the attachments to body, false mind, and worldly affairs; if greed, anger, and ignorance still arise in my mind; if I am still bothered by who is right and who is wrong; if I have not eradicated distractions from other thoughts; if I still have not ceased my wandering thoughts; and if I am still enticed by temptations; then, I am not truly mindful of Buddha Amitabha.

~ Patriarch Yin Guang


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