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The Prodigal Who Returns Home



"In the Visualization Sutra we learn that in ancient India, King Ajatasatru killed his father, attempted to kill his mother, and caused dissension in the Sangha. He would stop at nothing. At the last moment of his life, with just one remaining breath, the king truly regretted and attained single-mindedness of Buddha Amitabha as he sought rebirth into the Pure Land. He was reborn into the second highest level of the Pure Land. Inconceivable!

From this, we know that there are two ways to be reborn into the Pure Land. One way is to cultivate and accumulate merits and virtues daily, and to follow the regular way of practice to seek rebirth into the Pure Land. The other way is for those who have committed egregious evil deeds to feel intense regret at the last moments of their life.

Therefore, do not look down on those who have committed wrongdoings. Perhaps at the last moment of their lives, their ability to feel deep remorse will be so strong that they may attain a higher level of rebirth than we can. This is very possible. It is said that a prodigal who returns home is more precious than gold. Ordinary people cannot be compared with them. Thus, we cannot look down on those who have committed wrongdoings."

~ Master Chin Kung


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