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Honor and Respect the Religions of Others

Do not honor and respect only our own religion and condemn those of others, but, honor other’s as well. In so doing, we help our own religion to grow and render service to others as well.

In acting otherwise, we dig the grave of both. Whosoever honors his own religion and condemns others, does so through devotion to his own, thinking:

“I will glorify my own religion.”

But on the contrary, he injures his own more gravely. So concord is good. Let all listen, and be willing to listen to the doctrines professed by others.

~ Emperor Asoka (BCE 273-232)


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Reader Comments (1)

There's so much intolerance today. It's very good to respect other's religions. I've actually gained a better understanding of Christianity by learning Buddhism. Thank you for this post.
May 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermichael

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