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Peace and Unity


It is appropriate to cherish and protect this world,
For it is our home and the home of those who will come after us.
So immense, yet so fragile.
So secure, yet so easily destroyed by selfishness and by hatred.

May all beings savor the nectar of loving-kindness
to overcome thoughts of controlling others,
bring forth serenity and the insight
to find happiness and harmony.

It is right for us to respect and safeguard every living creature,
For they are one with us.
We are just different aspects of a single being.
Many of us feel that we are dissimilar,
but in essence we are the same with universal beliefs and values.

May the perfection of our true selves blossom within us
as we let go of hypocrisy and jealousy,
bring forth equanimity and the wisdom
to know tolerance and unity.

It is time to heal the wounds born of bitterness and violence,
For if left untended, they will only wreak irreparable damage.
We reap what we sow.
Only sincere thoughts and deeds of friendship
will create the joyful world we seek.

May all our hearts and minds bond together
to forge the unshakable promise
to bring our world lasting peace.


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