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No Perfection Here in Samsara

Our lives will never be perfect here in samsara, in the cycle of rebirth. We can easily forget this when we find our path and our teacher. Striving to be a better person, to follow the guidance we receive to the best of our abilities, we become frustrated to find that we still run into difficulties. That we still encounter obstacles and seeming contradictions.

It is at this point that people can become discouraged. They may think that their good actions are failing to produce good consequences. They may think that they should have progressed more than they have.

It takes time, it takes patience, it takes hard work to remain focused on our vow to end suffering and attain happiness for all beings. But we are so ego-oriented, so wrapped up in our concept of self that we can lose track of this goal.

There will always be obstacles in samsara. There is a Chinese saying "Good work, more trouble." Just because we are sincerely trying to improve does not mean that all our karmic consequences and obstacles will fall away and we will progress smoothly in our practice.

Nothing is easy here in samsara and there is no perfection either. Accepting this will help us to hang in there when we seem to encounter endless obstacles. The obstacles are temporary and will be overcome as long as we do not give up.   


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