Small Stone
Imagine reaching out your hand to pick up a small stone. With your palm facing down, use your finger and thumb to carefully pick up the stone. Now, you need to hold on to it tightly or you will drop it. You may hold on to the stone for ten minutes, a half hour, two hours. But, the minute you release your grasp, you know the stone will fall. You cannot hold on to it forever, because at some point your grip will inevitably fail and the stone will be gone.
Now, again imagine reaching out your hand to pick up that same small stone. This time, after you pick it up, turn your hand over with your palm facing up. Open your hand so the stone just rests on your hand effortlessly.
With grasping we lose. Without grasping, we gain.
Reader Comments (2)
How do I recognize when doing what is necessary becomes grasping?
How do I recognize when doing what is necessary becomes grasping?