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The Story of Stuff

Living simply and being happier. It's what we strive for in our practice.956849-1195276-thumbnail.jpg
But it's so easy to forget this goal, especially at this time of the year when the holiday shopping season is kicking into high gear.  But do you ever wonder what happens to the stuff from holidays past?

Find out in Free Range's new movie, The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard.

The Story of Stuff will take you on an "enlightening" tour of our consumer-driven culture—from resource extraction to iPod incineration—exposing the real costs of our use-it and lose-it approach to stuff.


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Reader Comments (3)

It's a very well made movie. I have shared with friends and co-workers... I have never thought about this when I went shopping, though I knew I should live simply...
December 10, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRinkol
Rinkol, thank you for helping to share the movie!
December 11, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
I haven't seen this movie but it sounds very interesting, and timely, for the last few weeks I had been working in a large courier dispatch center, and the amount of Plasma T.V'S, Ipods and all the latest whiz bang attatchments for the computor is mind boggleing, huge truck loads, it has certainly been a cure for any consumerism tendencies that I may have harboured, whilst I am reading through the Buddhis perspective web site I am listening to Mr Mozart and I realise that inexpensive pleasure is not that far from hand.
December 13, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBill McILwain

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