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Finding Our Path

956849-1210310-thumbnail.jpgI periodically am asked to respond to letters similar to the one that asked the questions below. The inmates I correspond with encounter many obstacles to their practice. But they understand "suffering." And so they persevere.  

Question: I am currently an inmate in a prison. I don't know anyone here who is even remotely interested in Buddhism. I would like to learn and practice on my own but don't know how to. Suggestions? 

Response: It is natural for us to initially read about Buddhism in a general sense and then at some point feel that we want to start to narrow our focus. This next step would seem much more difficult for you since you cannot go into a bookstore and see what looks good or meet with a group.

But regardless of where we are, our conditions were created by ourselves dues to our past thoughts, speech, and actions. Someone may live around a corner from a bookstore with an excellent Buddhist selection or drive by a Buddhist center every day, but if he or she has not planted the right seed they’ll never notice the Buddhist aisle of the bookstore or walk into the center.

If we are fortunate, we will have planted enough seeds in earlier lifetimes to find the right method and teacher for us. If this happens, we will intuitively know what is right for us and we will feel as if we have "come home." We will find the answer through asking which one “feels” best? Which are we drawn to? Which keeps popping up in front of us? Which writer’s or master’s work seems to resonate best with us? Which teachings feel most comfortable?


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Reader Comments (2)

Dear Ven. Wuling,

A year ago at this very same time in december i had of a fatal denggue viral attack but somehow i managed to pull through nonetheless. Before i had that viral attack I wanted to go for a buddha recitation retreat at the temple i go to but in the end i didn't going because i had almost lost my life and it would be months before i fully recoverd. This year, i had everything drawn out to keep everything away so that i could attend but 3days before the buddha recitation i fall sick once again.It seems that every year a major disaster would occur to me. From passing out at home and losing about 50percent of one of my eyesight. What am i to do venerable? Everytime i decide to cultivate to change something turns up and just sweeps me right back home.I hope you could advice
Sincerely yours,
December 19, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterBenny

I am so very sorry to her of your difficulties. Often when we try to practice, we encounter obstacles. This is not unusual and sounds like what is happening to you. Read the entry for September 26th "Repentance Practice." Do the practice at home with sincerity. Doing this, you should be able to touch who and what is holding you back. With time and sincere practice, I am sure your situation will begin to improve.
December 19, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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