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The Metta Sutra

The following is the sutra that the monks of Burma were peacefully chanting as they walked through the streets.


Who seeks to promote his welfare,
Having glimpsed the state of perfect peace,
Should be able, honest and upright,
Gentle in speech, meek and not proud.

Contented, he ought to be easy to support,
Not over-busy, and simple in living.
Tranquil his senses, let him be prudent,
And not brazen, nor fawning on families.

Also, he must refrain from any action
That gives the wise reason to reprove him.
(Then let him cultivate the thought:)
May all be well and secure,
May all beings be happy!

Whatever living creatures there be,
Without exception, weak or strong,
Long, huge or middle-sized,
Or short, minute or bulky,

Whether visible or invisible,
And those living far or near,
The born and those seeking birth,
May all beings be happy!

Let none deceive or decry
His fellow anywhere;
Let none wish others harm
In resentment or in hate.

Just as with her own life
A mother shields from hurt
Her own son, her only child,
Let all-embracing thoughts
For all beings be yours.

Cultivate an all-embracing mind of love
For all throughout the universe,
In all its height, depth and breadth --
Love that is untroubled
And beyond hatred or enmity.

As you stand, walk, sit or lie,
So long as you are awake,
Pursue this awareness with your might:
It is deemed the Divine State here.

Holding no more to wrong beliefs,
With virtue and vision of the ultimate,
And having overcome all sensual desire,
Never in a womb is one born again.

~ Translated by Acharya Buddharakkhita


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Reader Comments (3)

Thank you so much Venerable, for including Myanmar in your blog. Our brothers in the robes need as many friends as they can get - their lives are in danger.
May Amitabha watch over them.
October 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKhemacitto Bhikkhu
October 5, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling
Dear Venerable Wu Lin,
What a terrible situation this is. Sitting in the relatively peaceful UK, I can have no idea of how awful. Our lives are like the skin on top of water, we think they are so real and, in peaceful conditions, so safe, that we forget about the fragile structure and get lost in complaining about not having enough 'toys'. For me, when I see something like this happening in the world I remember a little. It is obviously important to deal with the crisis situation that is happening but also to remember.
October 6, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRichard Ingate

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