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A Choice I Make Every Day


The following is an email I received from a woman who has now been practicing Pure Land Buddhism for a year. With her permission, I would like to share it with you.

This is my one year anniversary story of being a part of an Amitabha Buddhist society. One day a friend saw an article about the society in a local magazine. She asked me if I would be interested in attending. I said “of course”, I would love to try something like that. Well, I have not been the same since. My first day, I was overwhelmingly greeted with acceptance and joy. I had someone stand next to me sounding out the correct way to pronounce; I was excited.

In the one year’s time of chanting weekly, I was challenged to meet my fear, my anxiety, and my frustration, by chanting “Amitabha”. Many challenges occurred and many obstacles came, and I continued to chant “Amitabha”. In December I took my vow and studied very hard. I read many books and I continued to chant. All the fear, anxiety, and frustration I once felt no longer hold a death grip on me. My heart is full of joy and gratitude. I understand to just chant “Amitabha” works. Over time I figured out I had to practice at home by myself and teach myself to chant "Amitabha" on a regular basis. 

It is a choice I make every day.


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