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Chanting "Amituofo" in Pure Land Practice

Question: Is it possible to start the practice of Buddha Name Recitation from written instructions only, or does it require personal instruction for an ordained monk?

Response: There is no need to receive specific instructions from a Pure Land monk or nun to practice chanting "Amituofo". As you are chanting, the sound of “Amituofo” arises in your mind. And as you utter “Amituofo,” your mind should concentrate on and embrace that sound. While chanting, do so sincerely and continuously.

There are some other entries that address chanting on the blog. You can click on the  September 3rd and July 30th internals links for some additional thoughts on chanting.


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Reader Comments (2)

The accessibility of Pure Land is one of its most appealing features. For me, it was very inspiring to read Venerable Wuling's account of how her mother, who perhaps was only nominally Buddhist or not Buddhist at all, was able to practice Buddha-recitation at her death and gain tremendous benefit from it.
That is what has inspired me to try to learn more about this practice. I want to be able to help my parents when their time comes, and the Pure Land method seems the most direct way to do it. No complicated initiation rituals, no long-winded explanations of Buddhist philosophy. We can help the dying person help find a mind of single-pointed peace through recitation, and trust that such recitation will result in Amitabha helping them.
I wish there were more places where English speakers could learn about the practice, but even with just a simple explanation and faith, it seems to work.
October 16, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterKhemacitto Bhikkhu
Khemacitto Bhikkhu,
My mother was not a Buddhist, at least not officially. But the teachings of peace and being a kinder, more patient person resonated with her.
Her chanting with my sister and I as she died moved both of us more than I can express. Her peacefulness and ease in letting go made a similar memorable impression on the good friends who came to chant for her in the crucial hours after her death and on her doctor.
My mother and I had not discussed Pure Land in depth nor did she chant on her own. But as you say, she was nonetheless able to personally benefit from chanting as well as benefit others. I sincerely hope the teachings will be of benefit to your parents as well, and I admire and respect your wish to find the best way to help them when they pass from this lifetime.

October 16, 2007 | Registered CommenterVenerable Wuling

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