What Do I Do?
February 4, 2014
Venerable Wuling in Happiness, Suffering

It can be very difficult to decide what to do when so much of what we encounter in life is “grey,” and so little is “black and white.” When faced with many choices, and none seem to clearly be the right one, it can help to remind ourselves that we will end up doing what is destined to happen.

While some may view this is a license to dismiss unpleasantness (it was destined to happen!) and consider themselves off the hook; in reality they’re not. The part we play in the current unfolding destiny will go towards creating our own future destiny and thus is vitally important.

Did I hurt the person because I was angry and didn't care what I said, and so the event unfolded as destined?

Or did I hurt the person because no matter how much I cared and tried to act wisely, my efforts failed and so the event unfolded as destined?

If I do the first, I’m walking the path of more suffering.

If I do the second, I am on the path of reducing my future suffering.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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