February 24, 2014
Venerable Wuling in Anger, Equanimity, Greed

Greed is wanting things 

to occur as we wish.

Anger arises when we fail 

to obtain what we want.


One of the many wonders of the Pure Land is that all beings there are selfless and gentle. Anger simply does not exist as the causes for anger are wholly absent. How very different from our world, where we regularly encounter anger in a variety of forms including impatience, irritability, exasperation, sarcasm, and, yes, sometimes even rage. To help us achieve rebirth in the Pure Land, we would do well to attain the level of equanimity where we remain calm and in control when encountering the anger in this world.

It is not that we do not care about the issues that lead people to anger.

We do.

But we understand the principle that anger arises when desires are unfulfilled and  expectations not met. By letting go of craving and expectations, we begin to let go of anger.

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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