February 17, 2014
Venerable Wuling

Learning is like going upstream in a boat: 

if we do not advance, we fall back. 

It is the same with cultivation; 

if we do not progress, we regress.


Learning and cultivation need to be done daily. While a few hours are the goal, this is not practical for many people. Thus, setting aside a few hours on the weekend can feel more achievable. But even if such a weekend schedule can be met, the benefits are reduced.

First, we have not had the daily chanting that calms us and strengthens our connection to Amitabha Buddha.

Second, cultivation is more than formal practice; cultivation is applying the teachings every day.

Third, there is a sense of accomplishment in setting a goal and meeting it.

And fourth, daily teachings—even brief ones—help keep us on course in our cultivation so we understand why things happened and how we are to proceed. 

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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