Question: I'd love the idea to go to Pure Land after living here on Earth. But I am having a hard time to believe that this is possible only to chant the name of Buddha Amithaba. Could you help me, please? I also would like to know more about the Dharma ending-age, please. Do you think what happened on Tibet was because of this Dharma ending-age that we are living? I also read on the internet that Buddha Amitabha has to give permission to people here on Earth to believe in him. Thank you so much!
Response: Thank you for the questions!
First, for almost two millennia, Chinese Buddhist patriarchs and masters have stressed the importance of adhering to a code of morality. The Buddha spoke of the importance of moral behavior in the Visualization Sutra (one of the Pure Land sutras) explaining that the Three Conditions were “the true causes of pure activities of all Buddhas of the three time periods.” In other words, all Buddhas of the three time periods of the past, the present, and the future, rely on the Three Conditions as the foundation for their cultivation and attainment of Buddhahood.
The First Condition is be filial to and care for one’s parents; be respectful to and serve teachers; be compassionate and not kill any living beings, and cultivate the Ten Virtuous Karmas, which are as follows. Physically, we are to refrain from killing, stealing, and sexual misconduct. Verbally, we are to refrain from false speech, harsh speech, divisive speech, and enticing speech. Mentally, we are to refrain from giving rise to greed, anger, and ignorance.
The Second Condition is take the Three Refuges; abide by the precepts; and behave in a dignified, appropriate manner.
The Third Condition is generate the Bodhi mind; believe deeply in causality; study and chant the Mahayana sutras; and encourage others to advance on the path to enlightenment.
As we learn from the Pure Land sutras, to attain rebirth in the Western Pure Land, we need belief, vow and practice. “Practice” comprises mindfully chanting the name of Amitabha Buddha and living morally. “Living morally” includes adhering to the Five Precepts and the Three Conditions. Living morally is vitally important because without doing so, we will not have the conditions to encounter Pure Land Buddhism, practice it, and attain rebirth in the Pure Land.
Second, regarding your next question, as I am not awakened, I do not know the causes of “what happened on Tibet.” Not knowing the causes, I do not speculate.
The Dharma-ending Age is a time when people do not understand the teachings and when misinformation abounds. The Internet can be a source of valuable information. It is also a fount of misinformation where anyone can post all manner of silliness and much, much worse.
To address your third question, why would Buddhas—awakened beings who have made the vow to help all beings end suffering and attain enlightenment—say we needed “permission” to practice? What sutra does this come from? We do not need “permission” to believe in Amitabha Buddha; we need to have planted the right causes and conditions! The Buddhas teach selflessly and tirelessly. They have done and continue to do everything they can to teach us. We have to do the hard work to live morally and practice so we will have those right causes and conditions. Believing in Amitabha is up to us!
I strongly encourage all readers to do the good deeds in the Three Conditions so you will have the right cause and conditions to learn the correct teachings. Find a qualified teacher to learn from, and read the sutras to learn what the Buddha taught.