Excerpts from Buddhist Sutras
April 18, 2010
Venerable Wuling in Video



A few months ago, I worked on a book of religious quotes for my teacher, Ven. Master Chin Kung. He had asked me to record it and make it into a DVD. To see and listen to the chapter on Buddhism, please click the image above. You will be re-directed to the Amitabha Gallery where Bee Ho has very kindly uploaded the Buddhism and Confucianism chapters. Also, you may download the text file here.

Viewing the chapter seems to work better in Internet Explorer, so if you are not already in IE, you can copy the url to it.

You can watch the thirty-two minute chapter in its entirety or go directly to the following to view individual sections.

0:00 Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds

12:08 Infinite Life Sutra

27:41 Cultivation Guidelines for Pure Land School Practitioners

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
See website for complete article licensing information.