Buddhist Sutra Excerpts
April 16, 2010
Venerable Wuling in Video

Your Majesty, we should know this. There is one way for the Bodhisattva to annihilate all sufferings of evil existence. What is this one way? It is this; from day to night, remember constantly the meritorious dharmas, think of them and make observations on them, so that their impression becomes stronger and stronger in the mind and not the least evil thought can have a chance to mingle therein. Such a practice will enable one to free oneself for ever from evil deeds, to complete the work of meritorious dharmas and to have frequent opportunities to be in the presence of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other holy persons (for their teaching).

These meritorious dharmas are the ten meritorious deeds. What are they? They are:—abstinence forever from killing, stealing, unchaste conduct, lying, slandering, harsh language, frivolous talks, covetousness, anger, and heretical views.

These ten meritorious deeds will lead us to master completely the Dharmas . . . all men and devas maintain their footing upon these ten meritorious ways which form the principal base of all merits . . . Therefore all of you should practice them diligently.

~ Sutra Spoken by Buddha on the Way of Ten Meritorious Deeds, Tr. Wong Mou-Lam


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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