Curbing Bad Language
March 7, 2010
Venerable Wuling in Chanting

A few days ago we were watching a short documentary on Mr. Li Bingnan, one of Venerable Master Chin Kung’s teachers. In the documentary, several of Mr. Li’s students, now in their seventies and eighties, were being interviewed.

One gentleman recounted how he had once spoken to Mr. Li about the Buddhists he, the gentleman, saw who chanted “Amituofo” but whose behavior was far from exemplary. He asked Mr. Li if he didn’t have the urge to criticize these less than stellar Buddhists.

Pausing for just a second, Mr. Li had replied that at least while they were chanting, they weren’t using bad language. The gentleman telling this story laughed as did we who were watching the documentary.

Mr. Li's gentle, but very good reply underlines the reality that chanting "Amituofo" can benefit us on many levels. Ideally, it can enable us to be reborn in the Pure Land to transcend suffering.

At the least, it can keep us from saying words we should not speak.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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