Isn't it Enough to be a Bodhisattva?
March 4, 2010
Venerable Wuling in Awakening

Question: Is it really necessary to attain Buddhahood? Won’t it be enough to become a Bodhisattva?”

Ven. Master Chin Kung's response: Although a Bodhisattva can help beings, he is unable to help a Bodhisattva who is of an equal or a higher attainment. For example, an Equal-enlightenment Bodhisattva cannot help another Equal-enlightenment Bodhisattva. However, a Buddha can help them as well as all others.

Therefore, only when we attain Buddhahood, can we perfectly help all beings in the universe. With such a vow, we can generate the great compassion to help others, to be diligent in severing our afflictions and mastering all methods. 


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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