Chapter 7: Hope for Earth
It was done. Justin and Emma had told the Lundeerians what they had needed to know. The two children were more tired than they had ever been in their lives. And they couldn’t remember a time when they had felt so sad.
Nightingale understood how hard this was for Justin and Emma. She led the twins to a nearby grassy spot that was shaded by some flowering trees so the two could rest. Seeds, nuts, and fruit were brought for them to eat. Fresh water was carried from the pond for them to drink.
Some of the animals stayed with them so they would not feel alone or be afraid. Exhausted, the two lay down after eating and drinking a little of what was brought for them.
Nightingale stayed as well and sang them to sleep. She sang to them of dreams, dreams of Lundeeria as it was now: a peaceful land where all animals respected and cared for one another.
As the two exhausted children rested under the loving care of Nightingale, all the other animals remained at the assembly.
After speaking with the other council members, Tortoise again came forward to address the assembly. “When we began the Dream Seeking, we did not know what would happen. We just knew that we had felt great fear. Now, with a sorrow so great we can hardly bear to even speak of it, we know the reason for that fear.”
“There is an animal on Earth that is not only eating other animals, but treating them without any thought for their welfare. The Earth animals, unlike we Lundeerians, are unable to speak up for themselves. Unable to tell the humans that factory farming and mistreating and eating animals is simply wrong.”
“Fortunately, there seems to be some humans, like Justin and Emma and their parents, who do understand this.”
“In our own ancient past, our ancestors learned that killing is wrong. And although it was not easy, they learned to change. And due to their courage, we have lived peacefully with one another since that time.”
Gazelle came forward and stood next to Tortoise.
“Dear Friends, although we live on different worlds, we are still one with our brothers and sisters on Earth. In our Dream Seeking, we brought two human children here from that world so very far away. Surely it was their goodness and their compassion that helped us reach out to them, to bring them here.”
“The council proposes that through them, we try to speak for all those who cannot speak for themselves. If our ancestors could change, surely so can these humans.”
“We need to dream Justin and Emma back to where they came from. And we need to do so now because their parents must be getting very worried about them.”
As Gazelle finished speaking, Nightingale flew toward the center of the crater. Justin and Emma followed behind her on the ground. As they moved through the immense crowd, the animals parted to make room for the two to pass. As they did so, the children reached out to the animals who nuzzled them, gave soft sounds of greeting, or simply looked on with love. They looked up as birds flew over their heads in encouragement.
“Yes, our parents will be worried,” Justin said.
“But can you dream us home safely?” asked Emma.
Gazelle looked thoughtfully into Justin’s eyes and then into Emma’s. “We dreamed you here without knowing who we were dreaming of. I believe now that we know you, we will be able to return you home safely. But my dear ones, we cannot promise this. If you would like to remain here with us, we will happily look after you and do everything we can to make your lives here good ones.”
Gazelle looked at both of them before adding, “That I can promise you.”
Emma and Justin turned to each other and seemed to know what the other was thinking.
Emma looked back at Gazelle and spoke first. “We heard you speaking of the courage of the ancient Lundeerians. We know it would be safer for us to stay here. And we’d love to live here. To us this is a world more wonderful than anything we could have imagined.”
“But we cannot stay,” Justin said with regret. “We cannot stay even though we are not sure we can return safely home.”
“Tortoise, Gazelle, Nightingale, all the animals of Lundeeria, we will be your voice. We will find a way to speak for you on behalf of the animals on our world.”
“We have learned that humans are not the only ones who know fear. Not the only ones to feel pain, the sadness of losing mothers and fathers, children, and friends.
Emma continued. “We now know that many animals, not just humans, want to live safely. Want to be happy. And free from pain. Like humans, they too love their children. Are loyal to those they love and to their friends.”
“People need to understand. It is wrong for us to think only of ourselves. Wrong to think we are more important than other animals. Wrong to make them suffer, to feel sad and afraid.”
Justin and Emma took each other’s hand. “We need to help others understand this. We are ready to go home.”
What could the Lundeerians say? They didn’t know the words to express how grateful they were to these two young humans. But really, they didn’t need to say anything. Justin and Emma could feel their thoughts. An overwhelming love and gratitude came into their hearts that just a while ago had felt so sad and empty. They looked out at the crater overflowing with animals, and spoke together.
“We know. Thank you. We will never forget.”
With that, they lay down in the same place where they had appeared just hours before.
Nightingale began to sing all the animals and the two humans to sleep. She sang of friendship and love. She sang of a world that needed help and of two human children returning home. She sang of courage and thinking of others not just oneself. And she sang of doing what is right even when ignored or even laughed at by others. As everyone slept, Nightingale guided the dreams of all the Lundeerians and of two small, brave children.
In a little while, Nightingale stopped singing. And again, as if one, the Lundeerians awoke. Then they all heard deep in their hearts the voices of Justin and Emma, “Thank you. We are safe. We are home. We will always remember you and what you taught us.”
The animals knew that somehow things would be better on the world called Earth. Justin and Emma would tell others what they had learned and more and more humans would understand that mistreating and killing, and eating other animals was wrong.
Between Earth and Lundeeria the air seemed to vibrate as all the creatures on Lundeeria and two small children on Earth thought as one: “Love all beings.”