Affinity Has No Boundaries, Love No Discrimination
October 29, 2010
Venerable Wuling in Affinity, Change, Happiness, Love



We have lived uncountable lifetimes since time without beginning.

We have loved uncountable beings. We have cared for them when they were ill, protected them when they were in danger, thrilled at their smallest accomplishment, given up our own comfort so they would be happy.



And we have taken for granted those we love, thinking there will always be a tomorrow. Always another opportunity to care for them. Always another opportunity to protect them. Always another opportunity to smile at their accomplishments. 

Always another opportunity to say "I love you." 



Imagine losing someone.

And then finding them again.

The utter contentment.

The sheer joy.

The love.



Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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