The State of "Mindlessness"
August 7, 2009
Venerable Wuling in Attachments, Discrimination

We practitioners ought to relinquish our attachments all the time so that we would be free of secular concerns toward the end of our lives.

If you continue to indulge yourself, there is the grave danger that you may go astray at this crucial moment of rebirth. Therefore, try to maintain the serenity of your mind while discarding all distinctions between good and bad. You will then attain the state of "mindlessness."

This, however, does not mean that you have become indifferent; rather, it means that you have let go of your sense of discrimination. The attainment of such a state will then be a clear indication of your genuine prowess in practice.

~ Analects of Master Kuang-ch'in

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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