Where's the Excitement?
September 8, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Happiness

In Buddhism, we hear a lot about happiness and how our practice will help us to find it. We can also turn on the television or go to the movies and hear that such media can help us to find happiness. How can Buddhism and a television commercial both show us how to find happiness?

It depends on how we define happiness.

Buddhism talks about contentment happiness. The advertising industry, television and movie producers are all trying to sell us excitement happiness.

Contentment happiness is having one's basic needs covered and knowing that this is enough. It is a quiet sense of appreciation. Of time to enjoy being with friends and family, biological or acquired.

Contentment happiness is looking within and liking what one sees.

Excitement happiness is the adrenaline rush that comes from buying something new or having a new experience. It always leads to wanting more because as soon as the adrenaline rush is over, we feel empty. We want more excitement. So we go looking for new things to do or buy. We look for new people to meet, a new job to master, or a new place to live. Excitement happiness is the agitated state of never being satisfied.

Excitement happiness is looking within and upon seeing emptiness, knowing fear. 

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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