Oops! That's Not What I Meant!
September 26, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Mindfulness

The other day, I wrote about being mindful of what we think. Today it's what we say.

Last night, one of my brothers (we call our fellow nuns, not just monks, brothers) and I went on a last minute errand to the office supply store. We needed to get something for the office here at the Pure Land Learning College in Toowoomba. This is a dangerous place for both Venerable Wu Chin and I because while nuns don't do much "shopping," both my brother and I are unusually fond of pens and pads. It must be the colors. (What can I say—it's hard to eradicate ALL of one’s attachments!)

Since we were there, and knowing I don't like to go shopping, my brother thoughtfully suggested I look around to see if there was anything I needed. I quickly got some pads and pens (honestly, I'm hopeless) and a few other things and we went to check out.

The checker asked if I wanted a bag. I don't like to use plastic bags and while I carry a fold up shopping bag in the regular bag I carry when going out, I felt it wasn't necessary. I replied that I didn't need a plastic shopping bag and concluded with "I'm used to putting things in my bag."


Realizing that hadn't come out quite as I had intended. I quickly added "After I pay for them!"


We really do need to be careful of what we say...

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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