We are living in a time of almost unimaginable change, a time in which our expectations are increasingly outpacing our world's ability to sustain them. How we face these changes has the potential to alter our future—for better or for worse. The following are a friend's thoughts, which she titled "A Cameo Appearance," on one possible outcome.
My heart has been so heavy with the slowly dawning understanding of the Earth’s peril. The bad news is all around me now. My grief has been devastating, and yet, with the help of Buddhist teachings, I have decided to look for the good news – because there is always another side to a problem. Good news – to see the hope and not the dark shadow of fear.
What good news can there be in this very hard time for the planet and its population?
Could it be that the apocalyptic conditions on earth will force us to wake up and face the truth of our actions? Could it be that this enormous danger will increase cooperation and force us to work together as a one-world community? We will be forced to allow creative entrepreneurship and inventiveness to succeed instead of feeding the greed of profiteers. Many wonderful ideas are being proposed to stop the downward slide of our world. Pockets of peace are still thriving and teaching us how to love the planet. It could be that this is the time for the “sinking boat” ethos to push us all together on this sinking planet.
Could it be that the great struggle for survival we are engaged in will trigger a mass consciousness rising and we will wake up in the dawn of the age of true peace that has been promised for all of us by many prophets over time?