Free from Hostility
March 7, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Emotions


If in small everyday situations we can start responding from the mind that is not swayed by emotions—the mind of sympathy and love that is free of hatred and bitterness—we will be planting good seeds. These good seeds will mature into good condi­tions. With good conditions, we can continue to practice. Our practice of morality and of respecting and not harming others will further increase our good conditions. With such conditions, the bad seeds will not have the opportunity to mature , and we will not find ourselves in violent situations.

Following the Buddha’s advice, we should strive to never lose our calm, clear mind and never utter harsh or evil words but instead treat others with a mind of sympathy and compassion. Letting go of our anger, we will permeate the entire world with an awareness imbued with concern—unreserved, infinite, and free from hostility and ill will.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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