My Responsibility
March 31, 2008
Venerable Wuling in A Matter of Conscience, Climate Change and Peak Oil, Giving

We have a responsibility to take care of ourselves now, while we are able. Those of us who have the means to do so should prepare for an uncertain future, because even in the best of times, the future is uncertain. And looking around us, we can see clearly that these are not the best of times.

Causality tells us that our lives are the result of our past actions. But either because we do not know this or do not believe it or simply forget about it in the heat of the moment, we blame others for our difficult situations. We blame our government, we blame big business, we blame anyone other than ourselves. But in our blaming others, we hand responsibility for ourselves over to others. 

We each need to take responsibility for and look after ourselves. This is not to be done out of selfishness. If my neighbor and I are both in trouble, the person who comes to help us will have two people to help. But if I have prepared for the trouble, then the rescuer and I can both help my neighbor.

And ideally, while I am making preparations for myself, I will extend a hand to help my neighbor prepare. And my neighbor will turn to help his neighbor, who turns as well. 


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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