The Best Medicine?
March 1, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Chanting, Karma and Causality

The ancients had a saying:

Sickness is the best medicine for sentient beings. When sick, a person should be very happy. When everything goes against your will, do not feel afflicted.

Another saying goes:

Life and death are fated. When sick, a person should give rise to great liberation. Let life and death go on, without being afraid.

Again: The past is like an illusion. The present is like an illusion. The future is like an illusion. Abandon them utterly with all your feelings, and just uphold correct mindfulness. In the midst of your sickness, be peaceful and patient. Do not think restlessly of a quick cure. This is the best prescription for a fast recovery.

Also: Put aside all your household affairs. Abandon the myriad causes of entanglement. Empty your mind and be mindful of the Buddha-name. Do not forget it for a minute, and your karmic barriers will dissolve by themselves. When your karmic barriers have dissolved, naturally you will sleep peacefully at night, and your body and mind will get healthy and strong.

~ The Pure Land Teachings Of Master Chu-Hung, trans. By J.C. Cleary


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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