Peak Oil, Peak Coal, and Beyond
February 28, 2008
Venerable Wuling in A Matter of Conscience, Climate Change and Peak Oil

To transcend suffering and attain happiness, to become enlightened, we need the time to practice.

To have the time to practice, we need good fortune.

To utilize good fortune, we need the right conditions.

To foster the right conditions, we need a peaceful society and a healthy planet.

Bottom line: if there’s an environmental meltdown, we’ll be too busy struggling to survive to have the time to practice.


Please make the time to view Jaiaia Donaldson's conversation with Richard Heinberg called Peak Oil, Peak Coal, and Beyond. I’ve watched many of the conversations on Peak Moments Television. Janaia and Robyn Mallgren have done an amazing job of educating us. But instead of my trying to tell you how important their work is and how much I admire their dedication, I’d rather you spend the time viewing this program.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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