How to Change a Flat Tire
February 22, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Mindfulness, Practice


When we are learning Buddhism, we gradually begin to have brief glimmers of understanding. With these glimmers, we understand we need to let go of our old egoistic ways of doing things. But we need to go further. If we only drop the old without taking up the wiser way, we won’t go far.

It’s like a flat tire. If we take off the flat and then drive off we’re in trouble. We need to put on the good tire before we proceed.

Getting angry is the flat tire. Patience is the good tire.

Selfishness is the flat tire. Generosity is the good tire.

Becoming depressed because we’re not doing everything right is the flat tire. Knowing that we’re now trying to do as the Buddhas taught but it will take time for us to completely reform is the good tire.

We need to complete the process and put on that new tire before we can effectively continue our journey.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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