Only Four Shopping Days Left till Christmas!
December 20, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Giving, Happiness

Yes, you read that correctly. I'm sounding like and looking like your local mall. It's the shopping countdown to Christmas and the pressure is on. It's the time when people are supposed to be happy in their giving to others, but in reality it's a time when the suicide rate spikes, depression sets in, and people spend money they don't have in order to give gifts that won't last.

If you're looking for that perfect gift, you just might get inspired by clicking this image:

For the real gift of happiness, give where it will matter. You don't have to be wealthy. You might give a small gift through Changing the Present, or KIVA, or your local food bank, or an environmental or animal rights organization. Take the time to find the organization that matters to the one your gift is on behalf of. And give happiness to the recipient, the receiving organization, and the benefactors of the organizations.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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