Politics and Attachments
December 14, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Attachments



Attachments are one of the trickiest things we work with in our practice. And one of the first difficulties is understanding what attachment means. And what are we trying to accomplish in place of attachments.

Theresa over at Pondering the Myriad Thing recently wrote another excellent post called Politics and Attachment,

Over the past couple of years I have been working on getting better at remaining unattached to things, ideas and outcomes. Both Taoism and Buddhism make reference to striving for non-attachment. As I understand it, Buddhism sees attachment to the idea of a separate self as the root of all suffering...

Theresa's post elicited a string of excellent comments. As you might imagine it wasn't the politics part that intrigued me but the part about attachments. So I joined in. And got carried away apparently. Good grief, a 646 word comment! That's an essay, not a comment.

So today's post on my blog is the entry and ensuing comments on Theresa's blog. Just click on the link above and you'll be there. And if you want to join in the discussion, you can post the comment there or here or both!

Cartoon courtesy Dharma Cat


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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