Source of Happiness
December 13, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Giving, Happiness

In helping others, there are the giving of wealth, the giving of teachings, and the giving of fearlessness. Wealth refers to resources we can spare.

Frankly, living a good life—a natural life, a carefree life, that is, a life of high quality—does not necessarily mean living a luxurious life. If your life is natural, carefree, and happy, then it is a perfect life. So long as we have enough food and clothing, we are free of worries. Why do we need extra things? If we have enough food to eat and clothing to wear, and a house that shelters us from harsh weather, we are fine physically and mentally.

If we have extra, we can help others. Helping others is a source of happiness. So, we should enthusiastically and voluntarily provide material resources to all those who need them. This is the giving of wealth.

We should give without attachment. We should not keep thinking about how many good deeds we have done, or else the rewards will just be mundane rewards, and wisdom will not arise. After we have given, our minds should be pure, without any attachment.

Do not think about the giving. Then we will have true merit, which will help us achieve meditative concentration and wisdom.

A reward that helps us achieve concentration and wisdom is a merit. A reward that does not is not a merit.

~ Ven. Master Chin Kung


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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