When the Mind is Pure
November 26, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Selfishness, True Nature

When we contemplate carefully, we see that all the complex problems throughout history and around the world arise from contradiction, conflict, opposition, and inequality. When we probe deeper, we see that the root of conflict is the conflict between the true nature and the acquired habits of humanity. In other words, it is the conflict between altruism and self-benefit.

Therefore, the Buddha taught this fundamental principle: “When the mind is pure, the land will be pure. When the mind is at peace, all beings will be at peace. When the mind is impartial, the world will enjoy equality.” He taught us to purify ourselves, enrich our spiritual life, return to our original goodness, and achieve harmony of body and mind. This way, all the contradictions, conflicts, oppositions, and inequalities in the world will naturally be resolved.

~ Ven. Master Chin Kung


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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