Can it get Worse?
October 30, 2008
Venerable Wuling in Change, Discipline, Habits, Karma and Causality

Question: Yesterday you wrote about changing destiny for the better. Can we change it so it becomes worse?

Response: Yes! Yuan Liaofan and his wife dedicated themselves to helping others and thus improved their current lifetime. If they had instead decided to act selfishly and do whatever it took to get what they wanted, they could have changed their difiicult lives to even worse ones.

By coasting through life, our lives will turn out as we destined them with our past karmas. But we are creating our future with our current thoughts, speech, and actions. if we focus on doing good, we will pull our destiny in one direction. If we focus on doing what is wrong, we will pull our destiny in the other direction. 

It is this ability to change our future by changing what we do in the present that makes understanding cause and effect so important. Every second, we are creating out own future.  


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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