October 18, 2008
Venerable Wuling

With their true sincerity, purity, equality,

Ultimate wisdom and compassion,

Saints and gods of all religions

Benefit all people in acting as

Leaders by guiding,

Parents by nurturing and

Teachers by educating.

Saints and gods teach all people

The relationships between


Humans and nature, and

Humans and spirits of Heaven and Earth;

To change from bad to good,

Deluded to awakened,

Ordinary to sage;

To have kind hearts and thoughts, and do kind deeds;

To differentiate neither by nationality, belief or race,

Nor between self and others.

Coexist harmoniously,

Regard each other with equality and respect, and

Love one another.

Work together,

Care for each other and accord with all,

Unceasingly and forever.

Through true honesty, deeply believe that

All sentient-beings are one with the

Same true nature, wisdom and virtue.

One who achieves these teachings is a saint.

A manifestation of a

PerfectlyEnlightened Being of Infinite Life and Light.

~ Venerable Master Chin Kung ~

Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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