Turn Afflictions to Bodhi
September 6, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Afflictions, Anger

We can view difficult times and situations as troubles and ask "Why me?" Or we can use them as opportunities to help us grow and advance on the path. Afflictions and difficulties will always be with us in the cycle of rebirth because everything is created by the mind.

Consider the anger and greed in the minds of people around the world. Consider how often our thoughts are purely of benefiting all beings—impartially and unconditionally. For most of us, our self-serving thoughts far outweigh our unselfish ones. These are the thoughts that create our world: a world of afflictions.

We can turn these afflictions into Bodhi, into the mind of awakening by learning from misfortune. Instead of feeling sorry for and indulging ourselves, and excusing our wrong behavior, we can understand that others go through difficulties as well. Understand that others suffer and wish for happiness. And understand that only when all beings are free of suffering will we be free as well.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (http://www.abuddhistperspective.org/).
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