Repentance Practice
September 26, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Pure Land, Regret

Question: In Chinese Buddhism the concept of repentance and repentance ceremonies seem to be very important. Are there any specifically Pure Land approaches to repentance?

Response: There is a beautifully moving repentance verse in Buddhism:

All evil actions committed by me since time immemorial,
stemming from greed, anger, and ignorance,
arising from body, speech, and mind,
I deeply repent having committed.

Personally, I find that saying this verse and prostrating along with my practice of chanting "Amituofo" to be deeply moving.

Also, talk to those you have hurt. After saying the verse, tell them how deeply you regret the harm you have done. Ask all those you harmed to please not obstruct you on your path to rebirth in the Pure Land, and Buddhahood. Explain that seeking revenge for past harm will only bring future retaliation, which is of no benefit to them. Ask them to please allow you to practice so you can dedicate the merits to them and to all those who suffer. And assure them that upon attaining that rebirth you will come back to help them also end suffering and attain happiness.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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