In His Dreams
August 4, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Anger, Happiness, Pure Land

[D]uring the entire day, the practitioner just recites the Buddha’s name and keeps Buddha Amitabha in mind, in thought after thought, without interruption, holding the name of Amitabha as his very life. Whether walking, standing, sitting or reclining, he always recites Buddha Amitabha’s name. If he should meet with adversity or favorable circumstances and is moved to anger or happiness, he need only concentrate on reciting Buddha Amitabha’s name for the anger and defilement to cease.

Since defilement is the root of Birth and Death, the practitioner should recite the Buddha’s name to rid himself of defilement and avert the suffering of Birth and Death. If one who recites the Buddha’s name rids himself of defilement, he can end the cycle of Birth and Death. If he can overcome defilement during Buddha Recitation, he can overcome it in his dreams. If he can overcome it in his dreams, he can overcome it during illness as well. And if he can overcome defilement when ill, he can overcome it in his final moments. Thus it is very clear that he will be reborn in the Pure Land.

~ Pure Land of the Patriarchs, Excerpts From Master Han-Shan’s Dream Roamings, translated by Master Lok To


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