Praise Others' Goodness and Forget Their Faults
August 31, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Afflictions, Practice

How do we practice? Where do we start? We start with us. In our time of democracy, freedom, and openness, individual rights are very important. Therefore, we cannot interfere with or criticize others. We can only examine ourselves to see if we have these faults.

It is very important to start with examining ourselves. We should be modest and praise others, even when they praise themselves and disparage everyone else. If someone has ninety-nine faults and only one merit, we praise the merit and do not mention or keep thinking of the ninety-nine faults. This way our thoughts are positive and we reduce our afflictions.

So to practice, we praise the goodness of others and forget their faults. In so doing, we focus on cultivating our purity and goodness.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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