Like a Buddha
August 16, 2007
Venerable Wuling in Mindfulness


Want to make some changes? Find a new way of thinking and acting. Awaken to a new approach. Be like a Buddha. Think like a Buddha. Feel like a Buddha. Pay attention, concentrate, walk, sit, work, smile, be like a Buddha. Let me give you some everyday examples.

When your friend starts to explain what is upsetting her so much, put aside what you yourself are doing, thinking, and feeling at that moment. Simply listen to her. Do not judge, do not criticize her or blame the person who she is upset with. Do not interrupt and talk about your own problems or tell her she should do this or that—just listen.

When you are late driving to work, and the snail pace of rush-hour traffic is becoming very irritating, let go of your frustration. Becoming angry will accomplish nothing and driving unsafely could make matters much worse. Drive like a Buddha, alert to everything that is happening around you while remaining calm within. You may arrive a few minutes later, but with patience you will have started the day much more wisely.

When playing with your children, forget about the football game on television you were planning to watch. This game with your children is much more important. And play like a Buddha: with fairness, joy, and love. Play considerately so your child will learn how to behave correctly with others without even being aware of having been taught.

With every heartbeat, we have a choice as to how to live our lives. Every decision will impact others. Every decision will eventually come back to us. We can let our choice arise from our unaware, erratic monkey mind and then spend a lifetime wondering why unpleasant things keep happening to us.

Or, we can tame that monkey mind with mindfulness and wisdom. We can avoid all that is evil, embrace all that is good, and purify our mind. We can awaken our innate goodness and emulate the enlightened ones.


Article originally appeared on a buddhist perspective (
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